Credit Union Place is a major component of the downtown revitalization strategy for Summerside. Constructed in phases to allow for the continued use of existing public facilities on the site, the project integrates several diverse civic programs into one complex. The facility organizes its surroundings, providing an urban entrance terrace on the city side to the west, and park views and access from the aquatic center to the existing park and track oval to the east.
A single public lobby organizes access to a 3,500-seat arena, a second practice rink, an aquatic complex, a fitness and wellness center, and convention facilities. Construction of the conference center and aquatic complex, with its 25-meter pool, shallow-water basin and waterslide, was completed in the first phase, and the arena was completed in the second.
Although functionally clad in metal and precast concrete, the building is highlighted with strategically placed windows and mosaic tile to allow splashes of color, texture and natural light to exist throughout. Natural wood lines both the front entry canopy and the ceiling of the pool. Vertical acoustical panels are suspended in the natatorium to mitigate reverberating sound. Interior windows allow views through the facility and are complemented by bold graphics.