How SportsArt Created a Tik-Tok Sweepstakes Around Sustainability

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Photos courtesy of SportsArt

College-aged students carry a heavy load, and the weight isn’t just in their backpacks. The 10 hottest years on the planet have occurred since 2000, with new temperature records set year after year. According to the International Panel on Climate Change, â€śeach of the last four decades has been successively warmer than any decade that preceded it since 1850.” Human beings’ excessive burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of planetary warming. Believe it or not, today’s college students are very aware of what that means for their future, as well as the need for a solution. 

Tik-Toks for the planet

With the fate of the planet in mind, SportsArt, maker of sustainable fitness equipment that generates usable clean energy, created its SportsArt Campus Challenge sweepstakes. As part of the challenge, the company asked campuses to pledge their sustainability efforts through a TikTok video, hoping to create a chain reaction of sustainability commitments among college students nationwide. 

The winners of the sweepstakes received SportsArt’s ECO-POWR™ premium cardio equipment for their campus rec centers. These machines –– treadmills, ellipticals, cycles, steppers and more ––  convert human energy into usable electricity, transforming campus rec centers into more sustainable fitness spaces.

“This generation is changing the world for the better, and I am blown away by the amazing ideas and individuality that each student put into their TikTok submissions,” says Rubin Mejia, executive vice president for SportsArt Americas. “Because campus rec centers are often highly used spaces, with our ECO-POWR equipment, they can realize a tangible sustainability impact.”

Cleveland State University and the University of Michigan won first and second place, respectively. The combined total of the ECO-POWR equipment awarded to the two schools topped out at $113,000, and awards were presented in April at a lavish party hosted by NIRSA at its annual conference. 

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Turn out the lights

Laura Garvin, a graduate student and graduate supervisor of recreation programming at CSU, won the grand prize for her campus with a TikTok submission conveying the importance of turning off lights when leaving a room to reduce energy consumption. As a result, CSU was awarded $70,000 in SportsArt cardio equipment, including the G690 Treadmill, G260 Rower, G778 Stepper, G876 Elliptical, G576U Upright Cycle, G576R Recumbent Cycle and the G516 Indoor Cycle, all of which will be housed in the rec center’s Total Body Room. 

“Sustainability is a significant initiative at Cleveland State University,” Garvin says. “Our University Recreation and Wellbeing team embodies this commitment through environmentally friendly programs and services. SportsArt equipment aligns perfectly with our sustainability goals. We are excited that SportsArt has allowed us to continue maintaining a sustainable campus.”

Recycle, recycle, recycle 

At the University of Michigan, Dillon Apfel’s TikTok entry promoted recycling for sustainable living. “I’m so happy I was able to do my part in making a difference,” says Apfel, “especially right here at the University of Michigan.”

U-M chose to split its prize package between the Intramural Sports Building and North Campus Recreation Building –– both high-traffic areas where the energy-generation will have a noticeable impact. The prize package, which was valued at $43,000, included SportsArt’s premium cardio equipment — the G690 Treadmill, G260 Rower, G778 Stepper and the G516 Indoor Cycle.

While turning off lights and committing to recycling may seem like small acts within the context of the overwhelming challenge presented by climate change, everything adds up. Being aware of the problem can oftentimes lead to corrective action. 

“It’s inspiring to see not only our member campuses but also our corporate partners embrace and celebrate sustainable communities, one of NIRSA’s core values,” says NIRSA director of corporate relations Emily Hughes. “This collaboration exemplifies the power of collective effort in driving meaningful change and fostering environments where wellbeing and sustainability can thrive. We are proud to support initiatives like the SportsArt Campus Challenge that align with our mission and values, and we look forward to the positive impact it will have on our campus communities.”

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